Monday, January 11, 2010

All good things must come to a pause.

Over the past three years, I have been involved with the Ypsilanti High School outreach efforts coordinated by the Office of Engineering and Outreach Engagement. It has been a very rewarding experience. I had worked with a total of three teachers in a number of Algebra and Geometry classes, as documented initially in the teaching fellows community blog, and more recently on my blog. While everything was not easy, with the problem of discipline in the class being at the top of the list, all in all, it has been something I looked forward to every week.

This year, I had been working with the Algebra Project (AP) classes. There were a total of two classes, which had been since combined to one due to scheduling difficulties. Since this class happens at a specific time everyday, I was not able to work my own class schedule this term to go along with the AP class schedules. I was hoping one of the classes would be moved to a different hour as was being considered initially, but that did not happen. As a result, and unfortunately, I will have to pause my involvement this semester.

It has been great working with the team, including Jill, Joy, Mary Beth, Angela, Abram, Carol, Leigh, Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. Porter, Mr. Tuttle, Mr. Weigel and all the other TF's, past and present, and I hope to continue being involved in other ways. Have a wonderful semester.