Monday, September 29, 2008

Embarking on a new semester

New year, new class, new teacher. I am excited about another semester at Ypsi High. Last winter definitely was a great experience to learn from, and I can say it has shaped how I think about helping in the class room. This year I am working with Mrs. Porter, who was also with the program last year, and I am helping with sections of Algebra and Accelerated Algebra which both have freshman students.

I especially like working with the freshman students because it presents a unique opportunity to present students with fundamental outlook on Math, that they can possibly keep throughout high school and even college. If we are able to present Math as something useful and exciting, rather than just a class they got to pass, we would accomplish a lot. Mrs. Porter puts a lot of time in making sure that the students have got the basics down as the material tends to build on each other.

I wanted to share the goals that we would like to achieve through this partnership during this semster:
1. As all the students are freshman, provide a good footing for their high school (and beyond) math career by inspiring students, and making them understand how important math is.
2. Build individual relationships with at least a few students (especially students that seem to be having problems in class) and provide personalized assistance .
3. [If possible] Take a trip to the university with some students to one of the fall events. I think that will be really cool, and especially appreciated and engaging for the freshmen.

I hope to report positively on our progress throughout the semester. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Student features are a wonderful idea! Yes, pseudo name should be used to protect the student’s privacy. I look forward to reading about more students.